Friday, 20 November 2009

Orlando's First UNICEF PSA!

Orlando Bloom's first Public Service Announcement since becoming a Goodwill Ambassador can finally be seen on the UNICEF website^^...It seems he is focusing mainly on clean water in his career as ambassador. And while I only saw a picture, it is very nice to hear his voice speak about something he cares so deeply about...and he enunciates which is something we don't hear much of in the States. But I hope you enjoy ^^


Thursday, 29 October 2009

ta da!

I have no idea why my computer has been freaking out but I have at least 15 minutes before it goes down...
The people responsible for the burglary of Orlando Bloom and many, many others have been caught...I've read an equal amount of articles claiming 4 people as 5 people..this article claims 6 but tells how the teens responsible may have done it...MSNBC says that they tracked the celebrities' movements using the internet and stole "just for fun"....Now that that has been mostly resolved..
we can move on a bit...
SUNDAY(oct. 25) was Legolas Day so..happy Belated Legolas Day!!
on a fan film note..
Another fan film about the Lord of the Rings is set to be premiered at Ring* Con and then online on December 1st..The movie "Born of Hope" is about the Rangers of the North and their struggles before the War of the Ring... Here is their website..I am looking forward to it although I don't think it looks as convincing as "the Hunt for Gollum"..but hopefully the sound id better..
Hopefully my computer will behave soon...
Until then..

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

"NYILY" is out and the MEIFF!

Some stuff came up and I was unable to post on the 16th but "New York,I Love You" is playing in select theaters now! If any one has seen it let us know^^
Orlando was at the Middle East International Film Fest where he presented the "Black Pearl" award for best movie. A link to one of the articles is right here^^ and one picture....

that is all for now^^
(picture link from Orlando Love)

Monday, 12 October 2009

Appointed Newest UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador!

This just in!! Orlando has been appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for all of the work he has done in Nepal,Russia, and Sarajevo^^

According to this article from Reuters, he was named this morning and will be recording a PSA for UNICEF about the importance of clean drinking water...
He has been working with UNICEF since 2007.

This is great news as we all know how close this is to his heart.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Orlando NOT On Ellen!

Orlando Bloom will NOT be appearing on Ellen on November 6th..but Juliette Lewis< his "band mate" in "Sympathy for Delicious" will be^^... Hopefully he will be on again soon..and I will be watching just in case^^

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Orlando on "Ellen"!

from The Orlando Bloom Files..
Orlando will be on the "Ellen Degeneres Show" on Oct. 6!!
Does everyone remember how cute and funny he is on television??'s a reminder..

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

"The Surprising and Unfair Cinematic Demise of Orlando Bloom"

I have no idea how I missed this article..
The writer is articulate and took the words right out of my mouth..

Here is the link to the article on the Huffington Post website...

The author should subscribe to the Click!Orlando!Breaking News Blog to keep up on Orlando's career...but that's just me ^^

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

"The Cross" Concept Art

For our 101 st post, my email alerts have shown me the light...Concept art for "The Cross"!! (click for pictures)
and here is the summary..
"landscapes and set pieces, but it looks great so far. In terms of the story, here's what The Cross is about: 'Mylar (Bloom) and his younger brother Castro come to a town to cross the border in search of a better life. The two travelers, full of hope, all too quickly realize that their journey leads them to a world full of doom. The enigmatic border is strictly enforced by a guard who prohibits anyone from ever leaving. Mylar defies all odds and becomes the first to successfully cross. And he also becomes the first to come back… all for the love of a woman, Vera.' "

once i saw Orlando without hair in the first picture..I shrieked..i like the buzz cut ^^
But..i hope you enjoy!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

100 Posts!!!

So i posted earlier today but that was before i saw that the poster for "Main Street" had been released...

and it seems nice that it is the 100th post on the Click! Orlando! Breaking News blog^^..

(link from Orlando News)
Sweet dreams!!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

"Pirates 4" News

Yes..I know..Orlando is not in the fourth installment (at least he's not going to be a BIG part of it) but he is still a part of the series...It has been announced that "Pirates of the Caribbean"On Stranger Tides" is set for 2011..


Johnny Depp sailed onstage Friday on a pirate ship at the Anaheim Convention Center to help announce the forthcoming installment of Disney's blockbuster film franchise. He was welcomed with a rousing standing ovation.

Depp will reprise his role as Capt. Jack Sparrow in "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides," slated for summer of 2011. It's the fourth in a series.

Dressed as Sparrow, Depp staggered around the stage and embraced Walt Disney Studios Chairman Dick Cook, who announced the news to about 5,000 fans on hand for the D23 Expo, Disney's answer to Comic-Con.

"Has anyone else witnessed a talking frog?" Depp's Sparrow asked the crowd, who had been treated to a performance by the Muppets moments earlier. "Where has the frog gone?"

Cook noted that it was likely time for some rum.

"Sounds good!" Sparrow predictably replied.

In his presentation of upcoming Disney films, Cook also announced that Depp would play Tonto in an upcoming big-screen adaptation of "The Lone Ranger."

The first all-things-Disney convention runs through Sunday.

It does sound like they got quite a show ^^...

We can all hope for a small cameo in the film ( like I said before..Will Turner rules the sea! He has to show up!!)

More as this develops and fleshes out...


Friday, 4 September 2009

"New York, I love You" Review! and More on the Contest^^

Thanks to Orlando News, I didn't get this in my email....
It is a review from about "New York, I Love You!"
It tells about the many segments..this is what it says about Orlando's....

"A segment about a composer struggling with a score and a difficult director starring Orlando Bloom and a disembodied female voice is pure romanticism and is wonderful..."

Good things are good!!!

And there is now a contest available for "New York, I Love You"..
I found out about it through the movie's facebook account..

Details and how to enter here!

More soon^^


Friday, 28 August 2009

Orlando In Court?? and Running the London Marathon?

According to, Joe Francis (founder of "Girls Gone Wild") plans on proving that celebrities have stayed at a home he owns in Mexico in his tax evasion suit. Celebrities he plans to call or name-drop include:
Jennifer Aniston,
Jack Nicholson,
Vince Vaughn
and Orlando Bloom
Francis faces up to 10 years i n prison and is relying on these big names to prove he is innocent.

More as this fleshes out...
But in happy news, this comes to us from,
The Lord of the Rings actor Orlando Bloom is preparing to star opposite Noel Clarke in a new British comedy currently being made about a motley group of runners who come together to compete in the London marathon. The film, called "26.2" (the length, in miles, of the marathon) is being made by Kevin Loader, the producer of "Nowhere Boy" (about the life of John Lennon) and Free Range Films. It is described by Loader as a "commercial comedy and very British film" and its last third will be the actual race. Hopefully, this will not include any heart attacks.

I just hope we get to see it here in the States^^

Saturday, 22 August 2009

"New York, I Love You" Contest

Sorry this took so long...been having a little trouble...
Apparently, there is going to be a contest for "New York, I Love You"...I don't know much about it so far but hopefully I will soon....

for now..enjoy the new-ish trailer which looks all sorts of cute^^

Friday, 31 July 2009

E! Insider info..

I got the link from Orlando News...E! had an exclusive look at "New York, I Love You."...and here it is ^^

"Bloom's makin' a booty call"...oooooo.....

and from Orlando love...a movie still^^

more later hopefully...

Thursday, 30 July 2009

A little bit about "Sympathy" and "New York.."

my computer was down yesterday so I wasn't able to deliver the news of the first poster for 'New York, I Love You!"...really soory about that..but has the poster's very small..but if you look in the lower right hand section of the heart, you will see Orlando..sorry i couldn't find a bigger version :<(
AND..., has a little bit about the Besnard Lakes who will be scoring "Sympathy for Delicious." it's a very short article and not a lot is divulged..but it is about the music for a movie about a DJ and a rock star^^..

hopefully myt computer won't die again and i will be able to keep you posted^^

see ya!

Monday, 27 July 2009

Pirates 4 Update!

The rumors have been swirling and they may have finally become true.. "Pirates 4" will be happening, but as countless sources have reported(including The Insider), Orlando will not be returning. He says that "it’s time to bow out because they tied up nicely for his character Will Turner."...while it is sad to see that there will not be any more Will Turner..we can always pray for a little cameo..he is the Lord of the Seas after all^^

more developments soon^^


Thursday, 23 July 2009

Update on "The Cross" and "the Hobbit"

This is the first alert I have received on this topic so far so I will let you know soon if it checks out..but, this article is about where in Australia the film "The Cross" will be filmed..
you can find it here on The Herald..
I can't wait^^

Production on Hobbiton has re-started, according to Hobbit holes are coming back to life^^..still no news on who will play Bilbo or Thranduil or if Orlando will be back...I will let you know as soon as possible^^

hopefully more soon!


Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Just for giggles ^^

This little caption got me thinking...

orlando bloom, fellow Click!Orlando-nians, how do YOU prefer our lovely man?
Pirate or Elf??
leave your opinion in the comments^^

PS... I love to you can list the reasons why you love Mr. Bloom a certain way^^
Comment away^^

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Says "There are worse things in the world"

My inbox has been flooded with the story of Orlando's house being burglarized and I finally got an alert today about what he said. From the article on
"Orlando Bloom is playing down his recent burglary and said there are worse things happening in the world.

The 32-year-old actor, who is currently filming his new movie in New York, was seen outside the property in LA after it was claimed £250,000 worth of stuff had been taken.

However Orlando said: “When you think about the fact that the economy is the way it is, people have lost their homes, their livelihoods, this really isn’t a story.”

One of the Brit actor’s neighbours revealed she was woken up at around 2am on July 16 by a loud noise."

Friday, 17 July 2009

Orlando's Home Burglarized!

According to Reuters, Orlando Bloom's L.A. home was burglarized and about $500,000 worth of things were taken. He was in New York at the time so he was not injured.
Our thoughts and hugs go out to him.
More later..


Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Mentioned on Conan O'Brien's Show^^

When Sasha Baron Cohen...I mean "Bruno" was on Conan O'Brien's late night talk show.. He apparently mentioned our favorite man^^
At 5:38 is when his name is dropped..Here's the video..and I thought it was funny...although i like stupid humor
June 25th- The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien

I hope you enjoy this little piece of light-hearted humor after such a tragic week in Hollywood...

Many huggers,

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Orlando sold off a date!!

According to multiple sources, Orlando has sold off a date for charity. He went for £9000 or $14,884.15 US dollars..and it all went to the Great Ormond Street Hospital.
here is one of the sources..
ta da!

see ya later!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

New stuff now!

Sorry it took so long to update computer has been temperamental..

Starting off with good news...
Orlando was in another accident,according to , and escaped unharmed!! It took place on Tuesday night when he was rear-ended at a stop light..both he and the other driver are fine..It took place not far from his crash in 2007...

The Guardian has reported that Orlando's costumes from LOTR will be sold for charity. We can also own some other of his personal items like his childhood tennis racket...
Go OrlandoLad GO!!

more later hopefully!!

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

"Main Street" Interviews!

ET has some interviews with the cast of Main Street and Orlando gives his with a Southern Drawl!!
I am super excited for this to come is the "Souther-ness" for y'all!
ET's Interview

napkins will be available soon to mop up the drool...don't worry..


Sunday, 17 May 2009

"The Cross" Cast adds a new member!

Thanks to email updates from Google, I have learned from several sites that John Goodman has joined the cast of "The Cross"!!

Here is one of the sites' articles..

"This is hardly big news, but Andrew Niccol’s The Cross interests me merely on the cast he has lined up alone, and with that in mind any opportunity to mention it is seen as a good thing. This time around it is a small bit of casting news from Variety telling us John Goodman is in advanced talks to join the cast of the sci-fi film which will begin shooting in mid-September in Australia and is scheduled for a May 2010 theatrical release. Goodman joins a cast made up of Orlando Bloom, Vincent Cassel and Olga Kurylenko.

The Cross is set in a border town the film is set in the near future. Bloom plays a man seeking to cross a mysterious border, something no one else has achieved; Cassel will play the sentry who wants to stop him.

Unfortunately details on Goodman’s role are not mentioned." ("

Things are getting exciting!!

Friday, 15 May 2009

"New York, I Love You" set for October!!

According to, New York, I Love You is set for theatrical release in October!!

"Vivendi Entertainment has finally set an October 16th 2009 release date for the anthology film project New York, I Love You. The movie is the next film from the producers of Paris, je t’aime, and features another anthology of short films, this time focusing on the stories of love in New York’s five boroughs.

The film includes short films directed by Jian Wen, Mira Nair, Brett Ratner, Allen Hughes, Shekhar Khapur, Natalie Portman, Fatih Akin, Joshua Marston and Randy Balsmyer. The film’s ensemble cast includes: Bradley Cooper, Andy Garcia, Hayden Christensen, Rachel Bilson, Natalie Portman, Irrfan Khan, Emilie Ohana, Orlando Bloom, Christina Ricci, Maggie Q, Ethan Hawke, James Caan, Blake Lively, Drea de Matteo, John Hurt, Shia LaBeouf, Burt Young, Chris Cooper, Eli Wallach and Cloris Leachman."

Here's the link to the article...

Things are getting exciting again!!

See ya!
V ^v^

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Hey Guys!

Sorry it took me so long to make my first post as admin but I was waiting for some Orlando news in my was taking too long so I'll have to do my first post without Orlando : (
I'm Veronica!! And I really hope I don't let you guys down in bringing the news to you all...
As Wendi informed new best friend Todd(who we all know better as OrlandoLad) will still be sharing his collection of awesome stuff and I'm glad I'm not doing this alone...
So without much ado...let the Click!Orlando legacy continue!!!

and I almost forgot...The Hobbit has been confirmed to be TWO separate movies...but we all already knew that^^

see you soon!!
Veronica ^v^

Monday, 11 May 2009

New Admin For CO Blog

Just a short message to let everyone know that Veronica (orlisnjangel) will be taking over the daily running of the Click! Orlando! Blog.
I'd like to wish her much luck and success with the blog and look forward to reading all the updates.
Good luck Veronica. :))


Friday, 17 April 2009

Jackson and Del Toro Talk Hobbit

Empire Movie News have an exclusive on The Hobbit for the 20th Anniversary edition...

“We’ve decided to have The Hobbit span the two movies, including the White Council and the comings and goings of Gandalf to Dol Guldur,” says Del Toro.

“We decided it would be a mistake to try to cram everything into one movie,” adds Jackson. “The essential brief was to do The Hobbit, and it allows us to make The Hobbit in a little more style, if you like, of the [LOTR] trilogy.”

So there you go. The second film will not, as had previously been suggested, a film that will bridge the 60-year gap between The Hobbit and the start of Fellowship Of The Ring.

The 20th birthday issue of Empire, on sale next Thursday (23rd April) UK.

Orlando Meets Fans

A couple of video's of Orlando meeting fans in Durham.

Thanks to issacharandnutella for the following clips....

Thursday, 16 April 2009

A Couple More From April 14th

Huge thanks again to Mayfrayn for two more Main Street On-Set pics from April 4th...


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Another Set Picture

Thanks once again to Mayfrayn for another gorgeous on-set pic of 'Officer Harris Parker'.
I have a resolute and unyielding need to get myself arrested! LOL

And an on-set report at Bull City Rising

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

First 'Main Street' On-Set Pictures

The first pictures from the set of 'Main Street' are appearing today, Tuesday morning - 14 April, in Durham, North Carolina.
Officer Bloom anyone...

Thanks to Mayfrayn@BestOrlando for the picture.

(Follow the link to Best Orlando for more On-Set Pics.)

EDIT: More at

Tolkien Sketches See Daylight has an article showing the recently discovered, original sketches, from a 1960 edition of The Lord of The Rings, by graphic author James Cawthorn. Cawthorn became the first artist, other than Tolkien himself, to illustrate the famous books.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

No More Pirates For Gore reports that Gore Verbinski has had enough of Pirates and will not helm a fourth installment that's expected to set sail in 2010 with Johnny Depp back as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Hmmm! So no, Orlando, no Keira and now no Gore. As much as I love Jack Sparrow, I feel the book should be closed on this now.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Shooting Begins On 'Main Street'

Shooting began on 'Main Street' yesterday. Thanks to Kimmie for sending us the news that on IMBD word is that Orlando's shooting schedule doesn't begin until April 13th. Also for anyone thinking of going along to Durham, the only way to get near the set is to be hired as an extra or stand-in.

Orlando on your wall

Seems the folks at DayDream are planning to squeeze at least one more year out of the POTC franchise (no complaints here!)

Seems like will be getting Will four times over this time --is it too much to ask for an "All Will" calendar?

Preorders can be placed at

Friday, 3 April 2009 news, weather & video

Check out the video in the box below 'Hollywood Comes To Durham'...

You can also read an article about the preparations for filming at

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

More On 'Main Street' Locations has more details and photos of the shooting locations to be used in 'Main Street'.
The movie is currently set to film from April 6 through early May in the Bull City, including interior and exterior shooting at almost a dozen different sites in Durham, culminating with a multi-night shoot at the intersection of the Durham Freeway and Roxboro Rd.
More details in the above link.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Orlando Talks About Marlowe Theatre

Thanks to fluffkitkat at YouTube for this clip of Orlando talking about The Marlowe Theatre...

Main Street Filming Beginning April 6th

Filming for 'Main Street' will begin on April 6th and running through to Mid May.

More details HERE

Shooting Schedule PDF HERE

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Hello! Magazine Scan

Huge thanks to my Mum (*love you*) for scanning this article for us all from the current Hello! Magazine UK...

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Main Street

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Orlando is in negotiations for a part in one of Horton Foote's last works 'Main Street', where he will play a small-town policeman.

More news as we get it.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Mummy Rocks

At the Mother's Day charity event 'Mummy Rocks', in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital, Orlando appeared on stage with Mick Jones, guitarist and legendary founder of punk outfit The Clash...

Photo: With thanks to Stephanie

More articles can be found at: Hello! Magazine, Pop Sugar, Vogue

Friday, 13 March 2009

Orlando Attends Private 'Mythologies' Viewing

Orlando attended a a private viewing of "Mythologies" by The Haunch of Venison at 6 Burlington Gardens, Mayfair, London on 11 March 2009.

Many thanks to Stephanie for the following picture...

More pictures and news at Click! Orlando!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Milan Fashion Week 2 March

Orlando has walked the Red Carpet at Milan Fashion Week attending a photo exhibition entitled "Extreme Beauty in Vogue"...

Photo: Reuters

More pictures at Click! Orlando!

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Orlando In Hello! Monthly Poll

Sorry for the lack of news updates, news is a little quiet at the moment.

Orlando is currently in the Hello! Magazine Most Attractive Male Celeb Monthly Poll he's up against Brad Pitt, Clive Owen and Josh Brolin. Keep adding your votes, we want to see him in the 2010 Annual Vote.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Global Green Pre-Oscar Party

The LA Times reports that Orlando has RSVP'd to the Global Green Pre-Oscar Party. Other people expected to attend are his cousin Sebastian Copeland, Leonardo DiCaprio, Penelope Cruz and Dominic Monaghan.

Telethon Interview With Orlando

Nine MSN has an interview from the Telethon with Orlando and his girlfriend Miranda Kerr...

Orlando and Miranda exclusive
Orlando and Miranda exclusive

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Orlando Takes Part In Australian Bushfires Telethon

Orlando has taken part in a nationally televised Bushfire Appeal on Channel 9 in Australia which is aiming to raise money for the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal.

Donations can be made at Australian Red Cross

Here's a clip with thanks to Missjenay at YouTube...

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Brisk Sales For 'Sympathy For Delicious'

Screen Daily reports today that Kimmel International has announced brisk early sales on Sympathy For Delicious. The film to date has gone to all of Latin America and Eastern Europe (New Films), Portugal (Lusomundo), Greece (Roadshow), South Africa (Nu Metro), Iceland (Sam Films) and Israel (Forum).

This is fantastic news for an Independent film and just goes to show what an incredible buzz of excitement this film is creating.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Saturday Update

A mixed bag of articles in this update.

There is a lovely article about the Mono Lake Water Bottles which Orlando and Mark Ruffalo carry on set with them. Please take a moment to look around the website, its fascinating, as well as having some incredibly beautiful photos.

Screen Daily reports that early footage from 'Sympathy For Delicious' is to be shown at the Berlin Film Festival.

Celeb Buzz has an article on the 'Sympathy For Delicious' Concert with pictures.

And please keep voting for Orlando in the Hello! Weekly Poll. Achilles is close on the heels of Paris!!

Friday, 6 February 2009

Orlando Rocks!

Yesterday Orlando rocked on stage in LA, driving the crowd into a wild frenzy as he filmed scenes for his latest movie Sympathy For Delicious.


He looked every inch the rock star as he strutted around shirtless in front of the frenzied audience at a theatre in downtown LA. In one dramatic scene Orlando's rock singer character 'The Stain' has a furious bust-up on stage with paralyzed bandmate 'Delicious' Dean O'Dwyer played by Chris Thornton.

Picture: Stephanie@OrlandoLove

More pictures and reports as we get them HERE at Click! Orlando!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

On-Set 4th February

Yesterday Orlando donned another another set of clothes for his role as 'The Stain' in Sympathy For Delicious. What we all want to know is will Orlando be targeted by the E! Fashion Police or will there be a sudden rush for big chunky wool and knitting needles!

Picture: Stephanie@OrlandoLove

The Cross - Another New Project reports that Orlando is to star in The Cross, a $24 million sci-fi escape story, which is scheduled to start principal photography in July in Australia.

Set against the backdrop of a futuristic border town, Orlando plays a man seeking to cross a mysterious border, something no one else has achieved. Vincent Cassel, meanwhile, is the guard who will go to any lengths to foil him.

'New York, I Love You' Release Postponed

Many thanks to Lissa for passing on the news that the release of 'New York, I Love You' has been postponed from 13th February to 'April' 2009. No specific date has been mentioned.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

More Rock Gig Information

Thanks again to Ginger for passing on a little more news about the Rock Gig from

Orlando Bloom and Juliette Lewis will be filming a concert scene for their new film, director Mark Ruffalo's Sympathy for Delicious, and there's an open call for "people of all ages to be there!"
The stars will be on stage performing original music at The Palace in Downtown Los Angeles, Thursday, February 5th at 1pm.

Please be there early.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Your Chance To Be In 'Sympathy For Delicious'

Many thanks to Ginger for letting us know the following exciting news...

On Thursday starting at 10am, they will be filming a live concert at The Palace Theater in Downtown LA! Apparently, if you show up, you can be in the audience and see Orlando Bloom and Juliette Lewis and the rest of the band in the film perform songs and scenes from the movie. ALSO, crowd members will be interviewed, as footage for the film, so you may even have a speaking role in the movie before the end of the day.

Good luck to all those who have the chance to go. Have a wonderful time.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

The Stain reports that Orlando's character is called 'The Stain'.

Oakie Dokie! Well... we're working on that one!!

Friday, 30 January 2009

Orlando Gets Temperatures Rising!

Orlando has got the temperatures rising even further today by revealing a whole lot more of his new character...

Photo: Stephanie@OrlandoLove

Keep updated with all the news and new pictures as they come in at Click! Orlando!

A New Day, A New Costume

Excitement over Orlando's new role is reaching fever pitch amongst the fans and the latest batch of photos are just adding fuel to the fire. From a Prince, a Pirate and a Knight to a hard-as-nails rockstar. Orlando has his fans in a frenzy with his latest role.

This latest picture comes with thanks, once again to Stephanie...

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Even More On-Set Pictures

Masses of on-set photos have been turning up. We are loving them all and loving the new (still nameless) character even more...

Photo: Stephanie@OrlandoLove

More pictures at Click! Orlando! Forum

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The Rocker Is Unleashed!

There have been so many on-set pictures today from Sympathy For Delicious that we have had trouble keeping up with them all.

Shaggy hair, tight black jeans, biker boots, braces, tattoos, eyeliner and black nail varnish. Everyone agrees Orlando looks HOT, HOT, HOT! The transformation is remarkable.

Pop along to Click! Orlando! Forum for many more pictures as they come in...

Thanks once more to Stephanie for providing the photo.

More On-Set Pictures

More pictures have turned up of Orlando on the set of 'Sympathy For Delicious'. His characters name is still unknown.

Many thanks to Krism23 and Stephanie for the photos.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Orlando Bloom: Sympathy for Delicious! - Photo Gallery | Just Jared

Orlando Bloom: Sympathy for Delicious! - Photo Gallery | Just Jared

Posted using ShareThis

"Sympathy For Delicious" Filming Begins

Orlando was spotted at a studio in LA yesterday, hiding underneath a hooded sweat top. Eagle-eyed fans couldn't help but notice a goatee and a few strands of long hair escaping the confines of the hood...

Photo: Stephanie@OrlandoLove

More filming news as we get it at Click! Orlando! Forum

Sunday, 25 January 2009

'Delicious' Filming Begins On 26th January

Contact Music reports that filming for 'Sympathy For Delicious' will begin on Monday 26th January.

Rich King Casting are also looking for a wide variety of actors for various roles in the film.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Sympathy For Delicious Confirmed

The Hollywood Reporter confirms that Orlando will be taking part in Mark Ruffalo's 'Sympathy For Delicious'. He will be taking over from James Franco in the Indie film, which is due to start shooting in LA next week. Orlando will be playing the frontman of a tough-as-nails rock band. The name of his character is still unknown.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Sympathy For Delicious

E! Online reports that Orlando will be starring in a film directed by Mark Ruffalo, tentatively named 'Sympathy for Delicious'.
Mark Ruffalo will play a priest in the film which follows the story of a paralyzed DJ who seeks out the world of faith healing.

More news as we get it on Click! Orlando!

First Light Movie Awards

Orlando has been named once again as one of the judges for the First Light Movie Awards 2009
First Light Movies provides funding and expertise to help five to 19-year-olds, throughout the UK from all backgrounds, create their own films using National Lottery money from the UK Film Council.

Congratulations and good luck to all this years nominees.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Our Environmental Forum

As previously mentioned, the staff at Click! Orlando! have created an environmental forum to honour Orlando's birthday and the work he does in highlighting the effects of Global Warming.

For anyone wishing to keep up with all the topics, you can find the new forum Answering The Call To Action at the top of the main index page in 'Announcements'. Within that forum we already have many varied topics running: How You Can Help Freak Weather Suffering Wildlife Deck The Halls Travel - Go Green and many more.
There will also be constant news updates such as: Recycling Your Christmas Cards and Leonardo Dicaprio's Watch Deal To Benefit Green Charities
Reviews and discussions can also be found on Sebastian Copeland's books and expeditions to Antarctica.

A full list of topics currently running can be found HERE with more being added daily.

Why not join us in 'Answering The Call To Action'. If you are not a member of Click! Orlando! we would love for you to join us. Just fill out this Registration Form

We look forward to meeting you.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Happy Birthday Orlando

Today, 13th January, Orlando celebrates his 32nd birthday.

In honour of his birthday, the staff and members of Click! Orlando! have created a new section on the Click! Orlando! Forum supporting Orlando and his cousin Sebastian Copeland in their "Call To Action".

You read more about our new project here: Answering The Call To Action