Wednesday, 16 September 2009

"The Cross" Concept Art

For our 101 st post, my email alerts have shown me the light...Concept art for "The Cross"!! (click for pictures)
and here is the summary..
"landscapes and set pieces, but it looks great so far. In terms of the story, here's what The Cross is about: 'Mylar (Bloom) and his younger brother Castro come to a town to cross the border in search of a better life. The two travelers, full of hope, all too quickly realize that their journey leads them to a world full of doom. The enigmatic border is strictly enforced by a guard who prohibits anyone from ever leaving. Mylar defies all odds and becomes the first to successfully cross. And he also becomes the first to come back… all for the love of a woman, Vera.' "

once i saw Orlando without hair in the first picture..I shrieked..i like the buzz cut ^^
But..i hope you enjoy!


  1. WOW! Amazing art work. This film looks like one to watch out for.

    Wendi x

  2. i am extremely excited for best friend and i are TOTAL sci-fi nerds and this combines our two loves of Orlando and we just have to fit Travis Fimmel in it somehow...
