Thursday, 29 October 2009

ta da!

I have no idea why my computer has been freaking out but I have at least 15 minutes before it goes down...
The people responsible for the burglary of Orlando Bloom and many, many others have been caught...I've read an equal amount of articles claiming 4 people as 5 people..this article claims 6 but tells how the teens responsible may have done it...MSNBC says that they tracked the celebrities' movements using the internet and stole "just for fun"....Now that that has been mostly resolved..
we can move on a bit...
SUNDAY(oct. 25) was Legolas Day so..happy Belated Legolas Day!!
on a fan film note..
Another fan film about the Lord of the Rings is set to be premiered at Ring* Con and then online on December 1st..The movie "Born of Hope" is about the Rangers of the North and their struggles before the War of the Ring... Here is their website..I am looking forward to it although I don't think it looks as convincing as "the Hunt for Gollum"..but hopefully the sound id better..
Hopefully my computer will behave soon...
Until then..

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

"NYILY" is out and the MEIFF!

Some stuff came up and I was unable to post on the 16th but "New York,I Love You" is playing in select theaters now! If any one has seen it let us know^^
Orlando was at the Middle East International Film Fest where he presented the "Black Pearl" award for best movie. A link to one of the articles is right here^^ and one picture....

that is all for now^^
(picture link from Orlando Love)

Monday, 12 October 2009

Appointed Newest UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador!

This just in!! Orlando has been appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for all of the work he has done in Nepal,Russia, and Sarajevo^^

According to this article from Reuters, he was named this morning and will be recording a PSA for UNICEF about the importance of clean drinking water...
He has been working with UNICEF since 2007.

This is great news as we all know how close this is to his heart.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Orlando NOT On Ellen!

Orlando Bloom will NOT be appearing on Ellen on November 6th..but Juliette Lewis< his "band mate" in "Sympathy for Delicious" will be^^... Hopefully he will be on again soon..and I will be watching just in case^^