Friday, 28 August 2009

Orlando In Court?? and Running the London Marathon?

According to, Joe Francis (founder of "Girls Gone Wild") plans on proving that celebrities have stayed at a home he owns in Mexico in his tax evasion suit. Celebrities he plans to call or name-drop include:
Jennifer Aniston,
Jack Nicholson,
Vince Vaughn
and Orlando Bloom
Francis faces up to 10 years i n prison and is relying on these big names to prove he is innocent.

More as this fleshes out...
But in happy news, this comes to us from,
The Lord of the Rings actor Orlando Bloom is preparing to star opposite Noel Clarke in a new British comedy currently being made about a motley group of runners who come together to compete in the London marathon. The film, called "26.2" (the length, in miles, of the marathon) is being made by Kevin Loader, the producer of "Nowhere Boy" (about the life of John Lennon) and Free Range Films. It is described by Loader as a "commercial comedy and very British film" and its last third will be the actual race. Hopefully, this will not include any heart attacks.

I just hope we get to see it here in the States^^

Saturday, 22 August 2009

"New York, I Love You" Contest

Sorry this took so long...been having a little trouble...
Apparently, there is going to be a contest for "New York, I Love You"...I don't know much about it so far but hopefully I will soon....

for now..enjoy the new-ish trailer which looks all sorts of cute^^